There are so many colleges and universities for students to choose from and it can be hard to narrow down the list of which to apply to. Don’t place too much value on the college ranking lists out there as time and again they have been shown to be inaccurate or based on false pretenses. Instead, think about what factors are important to you personally – is it size of school, geographic location, urban or suburban setting, or faculty-to-student ratios? Do you know what you want to study or have a few majors in mind? If so, do all of the schools on your short list offer those majors? Importantly, is the college price tag in your budget range?
Research each school’s website, get on campus for an information session and tour, and talk to other people about their college experiences. Decide what’s important for you and make that your priority, not what the general public thinks are the “good schools’ or because of ranking lists!
At Confident College Planning we help students and families find the colleges and universities which match up best with their interests and experiences by supporting clients with college list development, application steps, and essay formation and editing. There are many options out there and we can help minimize the stress often felt during the college selection process by taking a planful approach. Email me at to have a conversation about ways I can help!