Spring is the ideal time to schedule on-campus visits for student/parents. I just returned from a fantastic, and intense, weeklong tour of seven colleges in VA and NC where I conducted extensive research for my clients.
Getting an in-person feel for campuses (or working with someone who's conducted a professional tour and held meetings with staff) is critical for students & families as they make the life-impacting decision of which college to attend. I suggest being well-prepared, and I’ll soon be sharing more tips on what to do to get the most out of your visits.
Confident College Planning partners with students and families to guide their college choice process in a way that reduces stress and pressure, and fosters confidence and excitement. Contact me at nancy@confidentcollegeplanning.com to schedule a consultation to explore the many ways in which I can help you organize your college tours.
Remember, this process should be an adventure, filled with many good choices and individual paths to success!
